About us

About the Experimental Factory (ExFa)

The Experimental Factory Magdeburg (ExFa)

is a research and transfer center for application-oriented research and development in the field of product, procedure and process innovation.

In the spirit of a modern factory, the ExFa offers a modern environment for research, experimentation, development, and cooperation with laboratory, experimental and office space, co-working spaces, and conference rooms. In addition to services and infrastructure, the ExFa offers a comprehensive range of assistance for research and development.

In the ExFa, institutes of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg as well as small and medium-sized enterprises research, test and implement innovative technologies on an interdisciplinary basis. The results of this synergetic collaboration serve this purpose in particular:

  • To develop and design innovative products,
  • To create the conditions for an active settlement policy for medium-sized companies in Saxony-Anhalt and to promote this policy,
  • To support and develop the industrial structure in Saxony-Anhalt
  • To make a new product, process and system developments including associated organizational methods accessible to the commercial sector in Saxony-Anhalt

The operating company of the ExFa is the ZPVP, Zentrum für Produkt-, Verfahrens- und Prozeßinnovation GmbH.


corporate bodies

The managing director

Dr.-Ing. Martin Schünemann

The Supervisory Board

Mr. Böttcher (Chairman)

The partners' meeting

OB of the City of Magdeburg, represented by Mr. Koch

the Scientific Advisory Board

Prof. Grote (Chairman)

Foundation/registered office:

  • founded on 06.11.1996 with headquarters in Magdeburg

  • HRB 109781 (Amtsgericht Stendal)

Contact address:

ZPVP GmbH – Zentrum für Produkt-, Verfahrens- und Prozeßinnovation GmbH
Sandtorstr. 23
39106 Magdeburg
Tel.: 0391 / 54486-200
Fax: 0391 / 54486-203
E-Mail: info@exfa.de

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